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Shriver Center
BreakingGround Grants
* Required
Name of Course/Project
Type of Grant
Course | Project (Connected with a course)
Project | Program (Not connected with a course)
Grant Amount Requested
Course Number and Title (If "Course | Project" selected above)
If the course number is not available, please share what level the course is and how it relates to the department's curriculum.
Main Applicant
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Email Address (Again)
Campus Role
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Other Applicants
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Campus Role
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Insert Row
Remove Row
UMBC Department/Organization
Department/Organization Name
The department/organization that will receive and manage the awarded funds. If you are not affiliated with a department/organization, complete this form anyway and someone from our committee will get in touch with you.
Department/Organization Chart String Number
If you are allocated a grant, the funds will be transferred to this chart string number. If you do not know your chart string number, enter a "?" in this field and someone from our committee will be in touch with you.
Department/Organization Chart String Account Code
If you do not know the account code, please enter "1111" for now.
Course/Project/Program Goals and Expected Outcomes
Please provide a brief description that highlights your goals and expected outcomes. If you are applying for a follow up grant, please briefly describe what the original grant was and how this new grant will support new aspects or elements of the work. This description will be posted on the BreakingGround website if you are awarded grant funds. You will be given an opportunity to make edits before it is posted.
Course/Project/Program and BreakingGround Values
Please describe how your project or course aligns with BreakingGround values.
Progress Assessment
How will you assess progress towards your expected outcomes?
Participant Communities
Please check all communities where the participants will be working.
UMBC Main Campus
UMBC Shady Grove Campus
Community Partner
If you selected "Off-Campus", please provide a community partner name and address/neighborhood (if applicable).
Approximate date(s) of implementation/timetable.
How did you determine the need for this course/project and who will benefit?
Student Involvement
Are students involved in your project?
If so, in what capacity?
Participant Experience
How will you encourage participants to remain involved with this social issue/community beyond this course/project?
Describe how participants will reflect on their experiences. Please share any questions, activities, or assignments you plan to implement for reflection.
Budget Form
Please download, complete, and upload the following budget form:
Budget Form
. This is the only format that will be accepted.
Budget Form
How will UMBC participants and community partners be involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the course/project?
Promotion Methods
If you are selected for the BreakingGround grant, we will promote your course/project on the BreakingGround website. How else will your work be shared/promoted to UMBC and/or the surrounding community?
Social Media
Published Products
Community Gatherings
If applicable, please list any websites or publications that you will be using to promote your course/project.
Additional Document
If you have an additional document you wish to submit with your proposal, please upload it here.